Jalan Kerja Ayer Lama,
68000 Ampang Jaya,
Sunday, 17th October 2010
10.00 a.m. - 3.00 p.m.

October 4 was World Animal Day, but due to the fact that SPCA Selangor's Marketing and Communication team was too busy with outreach work for the entire month, we could only hold it this coming Sunday, 17th October 2010.
If you are passing through town, please do drop by the shelter, if only for a little while, to bring some cheer to the animals, or to contribute a little something to our Pet Food Donation Bin (my friends and I spent many hours cutting out the animal shapes, which I designed. Please come and get one! They are limited edition!) or to light a candle for a dear departed animal companion.
I will be lighting candles for: Ringo, Pepsi, Murphy, Angel, Walden, Shasta, Chip, Tigerlily, Scoop (Ellen's), Ralf (Cat-In-Sydney's) Sonia, Sasha and Selena (Pat's). If you would like me to light a candle for an animal companion who you have loved and lost, please let me know.
Here are some of the activities going on in the shelter this Sunday:
Candlelight Vigil: Memorial Corner
Tealight candles will be available for a donation of RM1.00 each, to be lit at our Memorial Corner in remembrance of all the animals we have loved and lost. For they may be gone from our touch, but never our hearts.
Pet Food Donation: Every Little Bit Counts!
Bring a contribution of dry or canned dog or cat food to the SPCA animal shelter and drop it into our Pet Food Donation Bin to help feed our shelter animals as well as animals that benefit from our Mission Help and community and council pound feeding programmes. Donors will be given animal-shaped cards to write their pledges or messages on, and the cards will be hung from the SPCA's Wish Tree for the duration of one month.
Adoption Promotion:
10 dogs and 10 cats in need of good homes will be highlighted each week for adoption at a special reduced rate. Will you make the choice of giving our adorable adoptables a second chance?
Educational Exhibition:
We will have educational displays and exhibits on the following topics:
- Responsible feeding, rescuing and ownership;
- Adoption success stories;
- Highlighted cruelty cases;
- The lowdown on animal shows and animal-tested products;
- International Meatless Week.
Even if you are unable to join us in our World Animal Day Celebrations at the SPCA animal shelter in Ampang Jaya, Selangor, please consider taking the following pledge to improve the lives of animals!
(Note: I drafted this for World Animal Day 2009)
1. I pledge to look after, protect and provide for all animals under my care; to arrange for alternative caregivers whenever I am away and to find solutions for boarding and rehoming should I find myself unable to care for my companion animals any longer.
2. I pledge to vaccinate and neuter my companion cats, dogs and and small animals (e.g. rabbits and hamsters) and to educate my family, friends and co-workers on the importance of vaccination, neutering and obtaining necessary licenses for one's companion animals.
3. I pledge to gently advise neighbours who fail to provide proper care for their companion animals, and write to zoos, circuses, theme parks and other facilities that keep animals, in the event I witness any acts of neglect, ill-treatment or cruelty. If my advice should fail to bring about positive change in the treatment of the animals, I pledge to report the matter to the SPCA or relevant authorities such as the Wildlife and National Parks Department.
4. I pledge to assist the SPCA and animal welfare groups in finding homes for the animals under their care and advise my family and friends to spay/neuter their existing pets and adopt from shelters and pounds, rather than purchase from pet stores.
5. I pledge to live simply that animals may simply live. I will reduce, reuse and recycle more and use less fossil fuels and chemicals. I will dispose of hazardous materials such as paint, needles and cans with sharp edges carefully. I will use fewer plastics bags, polystyrene products and other materials that may pose a danger to stray animals and wildlife.
6. I pledge to be a more careful driver that I may avoid harm to animals that share our roads and neighbourhoods. I will provide all the assistance I can to animals harmed by traffic and people.
7. I pledge to vote against animal cruelty with my money. I will purchase and use only products that are cruelty-free and which do not cause animal suffering. I will avoid products that are known to have been tested on animals.
8. I pledge not to give animals as gifts unless specifically requested and chosen by the recipient. If I do get an animal as a gift, I will ensure that it will be vaccinated, neutered and given proper care. I will adopt from shelters, pounds and animal rehomers rather than purchase from pet stores and breeders.
9. I pledge to join or support wildlife protection programmes, animal welfare organisations and environmental organisations to educate myself on ways to reduce harm to animals and protect wildlife that are vulnerable to exploitation. Our collective voice and votes can help to change harmful governmental and corporate policies.
10. I pledge to opt for vegetarian food whenever I can. I will go vegetarian at least once a week. I will also actively look for alternatives to leather, suede, fur, honey, silk and ivory.
Happy World Animal Day, to all creatures great and small!
I hope you get lots of visitors, Ee Lynn.
Wishing you great success, CO'78.
Thank you, dear Au, Target and Ellen. I would prefer volunteers and adopters to just visitors (some people leave their young children at the shelter for hours for us to babysit!) but I guess visiting is a very good start.
Thank you for your kind words, Louis. We'll just do the best we can. The outcome is not in our hands.
Thank you for remembering Ralf....ooohhh...you made Mama cry... we'll pass the news to our kin, near and far. purrr.....meow!
Dear Kitties-In-Sydney,
How could I forget little Ralf? He is in my heart, too.
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