My cousin, Boy Scout, came over and bunked at our Bachelor Officers’ Quarters for 3 days as he had to sort out some matters pertaining to his college registration. The rowdies behaved commendably and did not try to assert their claim over the spare room, although I suspect that Daisy and Chloe slept in his bed while he was out.
My mother had intuited that I’ve been going through a rough patch, and decided that a break from all my care provider duties is in order. We had talked about going on another mother-daughter mall-crawl, and it was decided that she would take the rail transit over to my place on Saturday morning, and I would pick her up at the station and we will then spend the day at Sunway Pyramid.
And so we arrived at Sunway Pyramid around 1100h on Saturday morning, happy to be in each other’s company and looking forward to spending 2 weeks’ worth of transport allowance that I had saved for this occasion. Mum was hungry and so we made Subway our first stop. After a midmorning snack of sandwich and coffee, we proceeded to go through all the shops and laugh at things we would never wear. I encouraged Mum to try on some shoes that we both liked. I was in the process of deciding on a pretty pair of Scholls that we both fancied (yes, Mum and I can and do share clothes) when two belly dancers in full dance regalia walked into the shoe store. I nudged Mum and she pulled me to the seat next to hers, both of us under the assumption that the belly dancers were about to start performing right there in the shop. How we laughed at our own silliness when we realized that they were also there to try on shoes! I paid for the shoes and we went to look at bags.
Boy Scout turned up at the mall to meet his favourite aunt. I asked him to join us at Pancake House for lunch and he was happy to be given a treat. He had the roast chicken set meal while Mum and I indulged our sweet tooth with mango crepe with ice cream and ice cream waffle foldover.
Our mall-crawl resumed after lunch. Upon Mum’s persuasion, I finally bought a handbag that really looked good on me:

This sets a dangerous precedent. I hardly ever spend money on myself and here’s Mum telling me “to buy yourself something nice when you really deserve it”. We bought some snacks for Dad and treats for the dogs and called it a day at 1730h.
Went back to the parental home, had tea, took Amber and Cody (also known as: Buster/Cody/Little Big Dog) out for walks and mopped the floor. Mum was too tired to go out for dinner and so I brought our food containers to the food court and had our food packed to go. Cleaned up the kitchen after dinner, tidied the parental home and retired to my room with the newspapers and the latest copy of the Malaysian Naturalist.
Woke up early on Sunday morning. Cleaned up after the dogs and gave Amber a bath. Cleaned the living and dining rooms and polished the furniture, and then I took the recyclables out. Had a quick lunch, gave Amber and Cody their lunches and waved goodbye to the parents.
Arrived at the SPCA in the early afternoon to see Rose still there and hard at work. Halle had been duly neutered and Dr. Pushpa reported that 3 of her kittens had been adopted, which is excellent news, although I am still sad over Little Chip. Rose and the other volunteers had bathed and tick-washed most of the dogs, and so there were only a few new arrivals left to do. We bathed and tick-washed the dogs and I took them out for a run to dry off. After returning to the shelter and letting the dogs into their enclosures, I started soaping and disinfecting the shelter. I scrubbed the Maternity Kennels, Puppery, Hospital, Food Preparation Area and let Linda hose it down. Then I cleaned the Cattery, Reception/Admin areas and Front Kennels while the dogs were out playing in the compound. I soaped and cleaned out a stack of litter trays and water bowls, put away the donated newspapers and took out the trash. Finally, I rinsed off the shelter floor, cleaned myself up, transferred Halle into her carrier and then into the Battletank and drove on home.
Swung by the night market to pick up fresh vegetables, fruit and sandwich bread for the coming week. I’ve managed to save a lot of money over the years by bringing my own lunch to work. Cleaned up the Bachelor Officers’ Quarters, fed and cleaned up after the cats and watched an hour of popular culture bullshit on the telly with the housemates. I’ve come to terms with the fact that I don’t have to be a douchebag to be able to sit through “Psych”, “Eureka” or “Ghost Whisperer”.