Friday, 21 August 2009

What a difference a month makes!

This is the true joy in life - being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; being thoroughly worn out before you are thrown on the scrap heap; being a force of nature instead of a feverish selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy.
~George Bernard Shaw

It has been a month since I started working here, and things just get better every day. I believe I am growing as a person and progressing well in my training programme. I have registered to volunteer for hotline duty on weeknights and mobile registration duty on Saturday. Minor duties and assignments after official work hours aren’t inconveniences, and shouldn’t be treated as such. It is a privilege and a pleasure to be able to be of use and of help, and I hope I can be both to the people I work with.

Saturday, 15th August 2009: What A Difference A Month Makes

Saturday, 15th August 2009:

What a difference a month makes to young animals! 5 weeks ago, when I first brought Tabitha, Mitchell and Rafferty home, they were skinny, sick from eye infection and mild flu, and full of worms. I dosed them with deworming pills every 2 weeks, took them to our ever-patient and ever-competent Dr. Steven when they were unwell, and had them vaccinated on 8th August. I fed them at least 4 meals a day -- 2 of dry kibbles and 2 of canned food/boiled chicken mixed with Felavite vitamin paste, Liv .52, Vitapet vitamin oil and crushed chlorella and spirullina pills. I cleaned their 'room' frequently and supplied them with fresh water and stimulating toys. The kittens responded by doubling in size and weight, and growing into the sweetest, brightest little cats ever.

I wish I had the resources and capacity to keep Tabitha, Mitchell and Rafferty for myself, but alas, as with all animal rescuers and fosterers, the time must come when we have to put our animal babies up for adoption and pray that they find good and loving homes.

It was with a heavy heart that I cleaned out their room and loaded them into the carrier on Saturday morning. I put the Whisketeers in the large multi-tiered cage in the front area of the Shelter together with other kittens of the same age and size. Tabitha, Mitchell and Rafferty huddled together unhappily, fear and incomprehension written all over their tiny faces. I felt miserable when I gave them a good luck kiss each.

Reve cheered me up tremendously when she informed me that the kitten that Muniandy removed from the gap in the roof last week had been adopted the day after her dramatic rescue. I didn't think that the little one would find a home so soon, but I am definitely happy and grateful she did. Apparently, the kitten's new parents were taken in by her long whiskers and her fine but unruly hair. She looked quite a character, and I am glad someone else thought so too.

I went about my usual duties at the shelter, giving the pound dogs baths and tickwashes. I had to stop when the sky turned dark and overcast, so I put away the pail, shampoo and tickwash and started cleaning the kennels instead.

Dr. Lim advised me that the Whisketeers should be kept at home for another week for their immune systems to develop, as seven days after vaccination was a little too early for them to be exposed to other cats just yet. I wanted to bring the Whisketeers home straight away but Reve persuaded me to wait another day, just in case any of them get adopted on Sunday. Reluctantly, I agreed, but promised the kittens that I would come to pick them up on Monday after work.

I cleaned the Cattery and scrubbed out all the cat baskets and litter trays. Then I washed and disinfected the Maternity Kennels and the dog enclosures behind the office. Reve supervised the dogs at play in the compound while I cleaned and disinfected the Front Office/Admin/Reception area.

I finished cleaning the shelter around 1900h and went up to the Bungalow to shower and to meet Nicole and Cue for dinner. We discussed the new staff and volunteer guidelines that had outraged all of us. Of course, I had to suggest ways to circumvent the guidelines, but I added the proviso that all my great ideas have always gotten me (and occasionally, others too) into trouble. I paid for dinner and walked the short distance to the shelter in the rain to kiss the Whisketeers goodbye and assure them that I would come to pick them up on Monday.

Returned to the BOQ, tidied the place up, prepared food for the Rowdies (I was by then missing preparing food for the Whisketeers already) and drove back to the parental home for the rest of the weekend.




Sunday, 16th August 2009:

On Sunday, I gave Amber a bath, cleaned the parental living and dining rooms and polished the furniture, prepared lunch, cleaned the kitchen, collected rainwater for reuse, sorted out the things for recycling, filled in the faded letters on Covert Mum's Scrabble tiles with a set of Sharpies and took Amber and Chocky for a car ride and walks. It has been a good and productive weekend, so why do I find my mind drifting to the Whisketeers so frequently?

Monday, 17th August 2009: Home again, for the time being

As per the arrangement, I went back to the SPCA on Monday evening after work to pick up Tabitha, Mitchell and Rafferty. Reve had been too optimistic: my beautiful babies had not been adopted. They were very happy to see me and climbed gratefully into the carrier without me having to put them in there myself.

The drive home was terrible, due to the heavy rains and flash floods. 52 years have passed since Independence and we still don't have a good stormwater management system in the capital city. What rum.

Thankfully, the Whisketeers slept through most of the drive home, their little bodies pressed against one another in the carrier for warmth, the bells on their smart little collars gleaming in the dim evening light filtered through the carrier opening. I felt such a pang of love for them then. "Dear God, please keep them safe. Please keep them healthy and happy, and find them good homes", I prayed fervently.

We reached home after over 2 wretched hours on the road in the migraine-inducing rain. Made a semi-hot meal for the Rowdies and Whisketeers, of canned food, cod liver oil and cat multivitamins. I will have to part again with the Whisketeers this coming Saturday, so I intend to make the most of the time I have with them.

Tabitha, Mitchell and Rafferty ~ Know that wherever you may go, there will always be a special place for you in my heart.

Shadow trying to get chummy with Mitchell

Pixie giving Tabitha a kiss

Shadow chillin’ out

Mini-Me hogging the wicker chair

Friday, 21st August 2009: ‘Healing Pets Animal Clinic’ Tribute Page Goes Live!

My Facebook Fan/Tribute Page to the wonderful vet and crew of Healing Pets Animal Clinic, Damansara Jaya, is up and running!

The exterior of the Clinic

The man himself, Dr. Steven Yoon!

Dr. Steven and his crew have never failed to impress me with their professionalism, competence, and most of all, compassion. This is definitely a vet who makes saving lives a priority!

I have utilised the services of at least 7 other vets before, but my search ended when I discovered this clinic and the wonderful service they provide. Not only do they treat human clients with respect and empathy, and animal patients with kindness and understanding, they also do their own rehabilitation and rehoming of strays and abandoned or rescued animals.

TEL: 03- 77256254
H/P: 012-3132865


  1. They seem to fare better for your care, Lynn.

    Well done.

  2. Glad work = happy hours for you and everything's falling nicely into place.
    Your verve and commitment truly shine! Lucky kitties to have found a friend in you.

  3. Yo Superwoman!

    Cute kitties...better not show my kids...

    Filled in the faded SCRABBLE tiles, polished furniture, etc etc...CAN I ADOPT YOU????!!!!


  4. Thank you for your kind comment, Jeff! My love for my animals doesn't stop after they have been adopted. I think of them often.

    Hello, Keats, and thank you for your warm and friendly words! I really am happy at my new workplace and hope to excel. The kittens have found a mummy, not just a friend. :o) I am their parent because they have no-one else.

    Dear Saya, the kitties are cute, aren't they? Adopt one and get me thrown in for free for a week, ha ha!

  5. I do hope you get them adopted soon. I picked up one last week that I hope will find a home next week. Hey, do your whisketeers get along with dogs? If so, email me and I think I may be able to help.

  6. Thanks, Ellen! I don't think my little ones are ready for canine company just yet. They're pretty scared of dogs, thanks to my neighbours' very loud, cat-hating dogs. We'll have to develop Plan B.


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