Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Green Living's Earth Day Community Cleanup

Come lend Mother Nature a helping hand this Earth Day weekend!

Green Living will be organising a cleanup session at Taman Rimba Ampang, a popular picnic site and recreational fores, as a way of honouring Mother Earth, taking back our public spaces and educating picnickers and members of the public on the importance of keeping public and green spaces clean. 

Date: Saturday, 25th April 2015 
Time: 9.00 a.m. - 12.00 noon 
Meeting Point: Entrance of Taman Rimba Ampang 

We will provide: 
- Fruits for a waste-free breakfast 
- Drinking water for refills (Please bring your own water bottles) 
- Mosquito repellent 
- Rubbish bags and reusable gloves 
- Green Living publications for those who want copies 

Please bring: 
- Your own drinking water bottles 
- Sunblock and any medication 
- Fire tongs / rubbish tongs, if you have one 
- A phone or camera phone for the Photo Contest 

All cleanup participants will be eligible to participate in the Earth Day Cleanup Photo Contest. Photos will be uploaded to the Facebook event page. Prizes will be given for the most highly-rated photos in the following categories: 
- Best 'Before and After' Photo 
- Most Creative Photo 
- Best Cleanup Action Photo 
- Funniest Photo 
- Weirdest Item Found

The Facebook event page is as follows: 
Hope to see you there!

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