I have been on hotline duty all week, and am loving it. I can't disclose very much about my job except that I enjoy it and find it meaningful. I witness every day how we help improve the lives of some of the world's most vulnerable people. And my job has made me more grateful for the good things that we do have in this country, such as freedom of expression (to a commendable extent, actually), freedom of association, freedom of religion and all the opportunities we have to earn a livelihood and lead a comfortable life by legitimate means.
I've been busy blogging for FT the past week as well. Any votes for my blogposts would be highly appreciated!
Rimba Ilmu Botanical Gardens

SPCA-DBKL Low-Cost Spay and Neuter Clinic

Saturday, 14th November - Sunday, 15th November 2009: Blustery Weekend
It has been a rainy week, the kind that leaves your shoes sodden and your laundry smelling musty. I will have to wait for the monsoon period to abate before I can go surfing again.
My canine and feline babies have been lethargic due to the chilly weather.

Amber the weather-predicting dog gets up on the garden bench to keep her dainty feet dry.

Daisy has fun with the empty boxes set aside for our Shoebox Project for refugee children and other needy youngsters.

Halle has a second supper to help her develop a layer of blubber to insulate her against the cold weather.

Mini-Me just wants to curl up with a good book.
I took Covert Mum, Covert Dad, Covert Twin and Covert Twin's girlfriend out to dinner on Saturday night on the occasion of my parents' 38th wedding anniversary. It had been another productive day for me back at the parental home. I washed Amber and Chocky, cleaned the parental home and polished the furniture. I would have enjoyed the dinner even more if Covert Dad weren't suffering from sciatic nerve pain. I told him that I would trade places with him in a heartbeat if I could, so he wouldn't have to bear the pain anymore. Covert Dad said that it was an insensible thing to ask for, as it is an "old man's ailment" and that I would not be able to wash dogs at the SPCA, go tramping with the MNS or drive all over the country distributing food aid to indigenous village folk and needy families if I had nerve problems. I just wish I could find a permanent cure for his condition. It hurts me to see him in pain and discomfort.
Went to the SPCA as usual on Sunday. I was fortunate enough to arrive before it started raining. Diego and another young volunteer were there sitting on the steps outside the Surgery when I arrived, and they promptly got up to help me get the shampoo, leashes and Tactik EC tickcide solution ready so we could wash the dogs.
We washed all the dogs in the B-Extension Kennels within an hour, before it got cloudy and drizzly again, as it is wont to do in the afternoons. Diego and the girl washed the dogs while I administered tickwash. I put away the dog-washing kit and soaped and disinfected the kennels when we were done.
After the youngsters left, I started cleaning the shelter. Reve let the dogs out to play in the compound after they have had their supper. I soaped, scrubbed and disinfected the Cattery, cages, litter trays, Maternity Kennels, Front Office/Admin Area and Central Area. Reve attended to the Puppy Area and other kennels.
We were done by 1930h, by which time the rain had pretty much let up. There was an albino guinea pig put up for adoption in the Cattery, and I would have adopted her if I didn't have so many cats and dogs already. I hope someone (without cats, dogs or other carnivorous animal companions) will give her a good home. She is absolutely adorable. I posted her pictures on Facebook in the hopes of finding her a good home.

"Please adopt me! I cost next to nothing to maintain! I squeak, whistle and chatter when excited! I let myself be gently handled and petted!
Please let me live in a home again! Come get me at the SPCA Animal Shelter in Jalan Kerja Air Lama, Ampang Jaya!"
If you or someone you know are able to give the sweet guinea pig a good home (they eat oat bran, rabbit food, grass and vegetables), please come and get her at the SPCA animal shelter in Ampang Jaya!